Story of REWIND...

REWIND is an original alternative rock band that has been making waves in the music scene since the late 90s. In 1998, they recorded their first self-released album, “Irrigate Your Mind.” The tunes were written by Andrew Kenesie, and guitarist Mick Perez (Warrior). The album showcased their unique rock sound featuring heavy driving grooves, incisive guitar riffs, and creative lyrics. 

In 1999, Rewind poured their hearts into every note on their second self-released album, “Moment in Time.” The album was well-received by fans and critics alike; however, these two albums were never publicly released on a large scale or record label. The band played extensively in the Los Angeles and Southern California club scene, gaining a loyal following of fans drawn to their energetic live performances. Over the next five years, they played countless shows and shared their music far and wide, including the occasional radio and media appearances. 

Their hard work and dedication paid off when Germany’s rock magazine “Rock Hard” selected them as one of the top ten unsigned bands in the world. As well as being honored with a 9 out of 10 rating by “Rock Hard Magazine.”  Their song “I’m in Rewind” was featured on the magazine’s compilation CD out of thousands of entries. This recognition brought them to the attention of even more fans and industry professionals, propelling them to heights of success, including being recognized for their work on “Motley Crue” and “Queensryche” tribute CDs.

With their powerful sound, dynamic stage presence, and undeniable talent, Rewind is a band that continues to captivate audiences and leave their mark on the rock music scene. 

After a long hiatus, REWIND has just released their newest CD “I’m In Rewind” through Eonian Records, produced by Mick Perez, with exceptional final mastering by Anthony Focx (Aerosmith, Buckcherry, Daughtry, Shinedown). What captivated the label’s president, Stephen Craig, was their electrifying, fresh, and powerful sound, which, in his own words – “we foresee will leave an indelible mark on the music scene.”


Rewind Youtube has original music videos with an occasional livestream chat, or you can laugh your way through the “I’m in Rewind’ animated series that’s like no other! With each episode, expect side-splitting shenanigans, outrageous encounters, as they navigate the wacky world of alternate realities, where the only thing predictable is the unpredictability of the multiverse along with the sounds of songs of REWIND!